The Artist in Residence grant “Sharing Future” of the International Elias Canetti Society, sponsored by the Danube Rectors’ Conference, is already in its third round this year. We received 33 applications from artists and artist duos, so the selection process proved to be a difficult task. First of all, we would like to thank the artists from all over the world for their diverse project ideas and their interest in working in Ruse for a month.

The decision on the winner of the scholarship was made by a four-member board of trustees of the Elias Canetti Society and the Danube Rectors‘ Conference. The exact composition of the Board of Trustees was as follows:

Mr. Sebastian Schäffer – Secretary General of the Danube Rectors‘ Conference (our sponsor)

Prof. Dr. sc. Penka Angelova – Chairperson of the IECS

Ms. Elena Velikova – Director of Ruse Art Gallery

Ms. Detelina Kamenova – Deputy Cultural Manager

This year’s scholarship holder is the German-Romanian author and playwright Thomas Perle. Congratulations! He will be in Ruse for a month in September and October to realize his multilingual project “donauwellen”. During his stay, he will work on a piece around the Danube, a river rich in history, and collect voices from people living near the Danube. We are happy to welcome Thomas Perle in Ruse and are excited about his project!